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Food For Thought

Food For Thought

The newest installment of our Lifelong Learning series features a topic that is incredibly important: FOOD! After many requests from residents who were interested in learning more about eating well for our health, Avila invited a few of our neighbors at Teresian House...
International Day of OIder Persons 2019

International Day of OIder Persons 2019

October 1st is the International Day of Older Persons, which acknowledges and celebrates the accomplishments of the older members of our communities and the contributions they continue to make to our world. According to the United Nations, we are in the middle of a...
Making the Most of Downsizing

Making the Most of Downsizing

Downsizing: it’s a big decision to make. According to a recent report by the Transamerica Center for Retirement, almost 4 in 10 retirees are making the move. Our homes are often filled with 20-30 years worth of possessions and memories. So understandably, this can be...