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Walking With Arthritis

Jun 28, 2019 | Health and Wellness

When you’re faced with pain, it can be hard to find the motivation to get moving. But walking is one of the best ways to help your body when it comes to arthritis. When you walk, it strengthens your muscles—which helps shift pressure from from your joints. This activity also improves your balance and helps you maintain a healthy weight!

Not sure where to start? First, you should always talk to your doctor before beginning any physical fitness routine. Then, you can take into consideration these guidelines from the Arthritis Foundation:


Specific modifications will depend on your joints affected, but you may consider the following:

  • Take shorter strides to reduce impact on your joints.
  • Wear supportive braces and devices, if prescribed: back, knee and ankle braces, and shoe inserts.
  • Use proper posture: relax your upper body, keep your core engaged and your head upright.


  • To ensure success in your walking program, be sure to warm-up, stretch, cool-down and stretch again after your walk.
  • Walking on soft, even surfaces is easier on your joints than trekking on hard, hilly terrain.
  • Good shoes provide support and help with proper body alignment.


  • When you walk or start any new physical activity, start slowly and increase your activity level gradually. Increase your walking time, distance and speed slowly over time.
  • Trying to do too much too fast can lead to pain that may set you back instead of move you forward.

At Avila, we believe in having a healthy and active lifestyle that includes a wide variety of fitness options. If you’re not enjoying a stroll around our beautiful campus, you can check out one of our fitness classes. Get social, be active and put on those walking shoes today!